Kaskons On Industrial

Kaskons On Healthcare

Life & Living With A Service Dog

Understanding Wolves

Runs With Wolves Sanctuary

Jennings Testimonial

Kaskons on Fashion

Behind the Curtains - David Aranjo


I Don't Drink, I Don't Smoke, But I Lie by Peter Blast

Peter Blast - Behind the Scenes

Kaskons On Industrial

Kaskons On Healthcare

Life & Living With A Service DogService dogs are not pets. They are becoming an important part of society as aides to those with medical disabilities, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), autism, multiple sclerosis, hearing loss, and blindness. In these cases service dogs are assigned to help improve the quality of life of the individual. In this film, I follow Chris Slavin and her service dog, Earle, through their daily life. In working with them, I attempted to gain a greater understanding of what it means to live and work with a service dog as well as how the relationship has significantly changed her life.

Understanding WolvesDuring my Junior semester at Endicott, I was given an assignment in my Multimedia for Photographers course to document any subject of our choosing. Last year I did a film on Runs With Wolves Sanctuary, which I thoroughly enjoyed and was able to capture a great deal of footage. Since I used only a small amount of the footage, I decided to create a longer version that went more in depth about wolves and humans.The main purpose of this film is to educate people to not be afraid of wolves. Occasionally, I'll will tell people that I interact with wolves and some immediately become frightened or scared of the idea, because they were taught to fear the wolf. Movies from Hollywood such as, The Grey, create false ideas and negative images about wolves. The takeaway should be wolves are not vicious, but instead shy and cautious. As evident in the film, I had two wolves standing over me at one point as well as jumping onto me as they were greeting me after my long absence from the sanctuary (The previous time I saw them was several months before) and I never felt I was in any danger. I did not fear them, but instead embraced them to interact with me. It truly is amazing to interact with these marvelous creatures.

Runs With Wolves SanctuaryRecently, I was assigned a film project for my Intro to Digital Film-making class. The Film had to be a 30 / 60 second commercial or public service announcement clip that you would see on television. For my film, I chose to do a public service announcement about Runs With Wolves Sanctuary, which I volunteer at in Limington, Maine. I chose to do the wolf sanctuary because I have a deep passion for wolves and for their incredible intelligence and natural beauty. Also, wolves are facing a dark time in their history again and people need to know that wolves are not evil creatures out to eat little red riding hood. A lot of times when I'm telling people about my interactions with wolves, most will immediately freak out and ask "isn't that dangerous?" or "aren't you afraid they"ll hurt you?" I tell them no, wolves are humble and friendly creatures that you can interact with, which a lot of people don't know about. With this film, I want to get the word out there that wolves are wonderful creatures and that people should be educated about them to help prevent the massacres that happen during hunting seasons... Go Visit Runs With Wolves Sanctuary and you'll be happy you did.Runs With Wolves Sanctuary Website: rwws.org/My Website:masterwolf7.wix.com/shadowwolf#!home/mainPageSong in video: Wolf MedicineAlbum: Medicine Gift Volume 2 Artist: Memo© 2007 Sage Journey Music

Jennings Testimonial

Kaskons on Fashion

Behind the Curtains - David Aranjo

K-911During my Documentary Photography course, are final assignment was to document a topic of our choosing for 7 weeks and to compile a portfolio of about 20 photos. My topic was on Police officers and their K9s (Read artist statement below). As something extra (not required for the assignment), I decided to film a little bit and as well as record some audio to create a short film. The audio interview does not follow along the chronological order of the series, but instead provides information on the topic. Lastly, the programs that processed the video affected the color of the photos, so they're not 100% accurate, but they're close.I thoroughly enjoyed this project and I wish I could include more photos to the 21 that are in the series (the last one I decided to throw in because It helps wrap up the film formally).Song: Bad Boys, Inner CircleArtist Statement:Two of my favorite subjects to photograph are dogs and wolves. Their personality, their beauty, and their physical movements fascinate me. Although wolves are rare to see, dogs can be found practically anywhere in the world as pets or individually trained to do work.K9s, also known as police dogs, are specially trained to work with police officers. They serve their community by solving crimes, conducting arson, narcotic, and bomb searches, tracking humans, and ending disputes. I worked with the Salem K9 Police, photographing everyday life between an officer and his K9. I mainly worked with Officer Ryan Davis and his K9, Kruger, but I also worked with Tim Salvo and Turbo as well as John Bedard and Thor. For seven weeks I documented the events that happened between officers and their K9s during daytime and nighttime patrols, in the police station, at individual trainings in a park, at an organized K9 training facility, and at the K9’s home.When I started the project, Officer Ryan and Kruger had to adjust to my presence and to my camera’s shutter noise. Once they, especially Kruger, were familiar with me, I was able to capture more natural and intimate moments of them. I concentrated mainly on the K9 and the officer, focusing my compositions on the K9’s position in comparison to the officer as well as the facial expressions they exchanged. When I was photographing, I was more interested in exploring the K9’s actions and behavior, composing my shots based on the K9’s eye level. Based on each situation, I was able to get close shots with the officer and their K9 while other times during searches or group training seminars, I was instructed to keep my distance from the K9(s) to avoid causing interference.Photographing from morning to night, I witnessed the serious fierce moments when the K9 is in action while also watching the funny and relaxing moments that the officer and their K9 exchange between one another. I covered these moments by a range of compositions and use of vantage points. Although the colors in the photos are not as vibrant as I wanted, the lighting in all the photographs is well executed, highlighting the details within the main subjects. Each frame captures the true essence of K9 Police work as well as the bond between the officer and their K9. I learned that discipline, communication, and trust are important in maintaining a relationship between an officer and their K9.

I Don't Drink, I Don't Smoke, But I Lie by Peter Blast

Peter Blast - Behind the Scenes
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